Breathwork Sessions

I offer both private and group guided breathwork sessions in-person and virtually. I create a personalized transformative breathwork journey to support your emotional and mental wellbeing. Breathwork allows you to explore states of consciousness, consciously. In these states, the breath allows you to release stagnant and suppressed negative emotions and trauma. We are then able to make space for feelings of deep self-love, bliss and unity consciousness. Tears, laughter and unexpected feelings and emotions can all surface, as well as unconscious programming, patterns, stories and behaviors can be brought to light for release. The breathwork activations help you connect with your intuition (higher self), your creativity (purpose) and break free of traumas and limiting beliefs. I love creating personalized experiences and hearing about your journeys!

Scientific benefits of Breathwork:

  • Reduces stress and anxiety

  • Increases energy and boots immunity

  • Helps to overcome addictions

  • Helps heal from trauma and manage PTSD

  • Helps manage depression

  • Improves mood and self-esteem

  • Releases toxins

  • Improves sleep

  • Increases creativity and focus